Help organization
We are young, our credo is “a long way begins with a small step” and “it is easier to overcome difficulties together.” We aim to help the “Sons of Georgia” all over the world. Thus, we want to help and protect our country.
In order for us to exist and implement all our plans, we need the means to exist. We openly say that we need funds for:
- Maintenance of a permanent team of specialists.
- Involvement of experts to conduct rehabilitation programs.
- The contents of our office/space.
- Expenses for carrying out rehabilitation activities, retraining.
The cost of purchasing the minimum necessary equipment. Everything in this world is for money. We do not earn money and all our expenses are transparent, but it is not possible without expenses.
We are very glad that you understand and support us.
Help the project:

საბანკო რეკვიზიტები ეროვნულ ვალუტაში (ლარი)
მიმღების ბანკი: სს „საქართველოს ბანკი“; ბანკის კოდი: BAGAGE22; გაგარინის ქ. 29ა, თბილისი, 0160, საქართველო
Transfer of funds from individuals can be carried out by card number:
საბანკო რეკვიზიტები ეროვნულ ვალუტაში (ლარი)
სს „საქართველოს ბანკი“
Intermediary Bank: Citibank N.A., New York, USA; SWIFT: CITIUS33
Intermediary Bank: Commerzbank, Frankfurt, Germany; SWIFT: COBADEFF
Intermediary Bank: Citibank N.A., London, UK; SWIFT: CITIGB2L
Additional Information
We are working on programs
rehabilitation and socialization. We use the author’s methods. And we understand that for each “Son” it is necessary to apply its own approach and methodology of socialization and rehabilitation. These can be:
- Manufacture of leather, wood or metal products;
- Driving school or work lessons in a service station;
- Working with children;
- Working with animals;
- Analysis of religious topics;
- Psychological rehabilitation courses.
We aim to provide such activities for the socialization of our “sons”.
Our founder can be cited as a good example. He finds strength in the production of handmade shoes. This helps him to distract himself from the disease, and also by selling his products he is a little
восполняет свой бюджет на лечение.
We will be glad of your help.
A small donation today will help to return useful “Sons” to society.